Reading fun





Reading fun


I've written some stories.  However, they are only available in Dutch and Turkish.  Dutch because it's my primary language and Turkish for the practice.  If you happen to know one of those two languages, go to the appropriate localized page and enjoy...

Dutch version / Turkish version

Anyways, on 2 September 2003 I did write one short story in English and it was to test the so-called "Gender Genie".  The test failed as it identified me as being a female.  Maybe the test failed because I wrote it in English and maybe it is full of errors (?).

Update!  When I redid this test on 2 October 2003 the interface of the "Gender Genie" had changed a bit.  They now have three options for  indicating the kind of story.  After analyzing this story as being a "blog entry", I still appear to be a female.  However the fiction and non-fiction options now identify me correctly as a male writer.  Interesting.

When I opened the door, I saw his appereance. It was him, my one and only lover. His eyes were as beautiful as always, his nose so cute as always. When I saw his lips, all I wanted to do was to kiss him. Make love with him, that is. And I know he knew what I wanted from him. I could see his desire in his glowing eyes. But then suddenly, the door closed. The wind seperated us again. I ran to the door and opened it, he was gone. My lover was gone and I never saw him again.

NOTE: While doing a spelling check in March 2006 I discovered that my sample text above contains (at least) two grammar errors :-( (appereance should be appearance and seperated should be separated)


